ACL Injuries

ACL Tear & Injury

The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is one of the key ligaments that stabilize the knee joint. Due to its central role in facilitating movement and balance, it is also prone to injury, especially among athletes. An ACL knee injury can range from mild sprains to severe tears, each with its own set symptoms, treatment and recovery.

Read more about the common injuries that our ACL clinic manages.

ACL Injuries

If you’ve been struggling with knee pain, seek prompt treatment to prevent long-term damage.

Consult an orthopaedic specialist today at 8028 4572

What are Some Common ACL Injuries?

Mild ACL Sprain

Mild ACL Sprain

A mild sprain occurs when the fibres of the ACL has been overstretched, but not yet torn. Symptoms of a mild ACL sprain include tenderness, localised swelling, and discomfort when moving the knee. A mild ACL sprain can normally be treated without surgery through getting sufficient rest, walking aids like crutches, anti-inflammatory medications and icing.

Partial ACL Tear

Partial ACL Tear

A partial ACL tear occurs when the fibres of the ACL have been partly torn. Symptoms of a partial ACL tear include pain, swelling, and possible instability in the knee. In such cases, one may feel as though their knee is going to give out during activity. Not all partial ACL tears require surgery to treat; and this will be determined by the doctor’s assessment of the patient’s age, severity of symptoms, and goals.

Complete ACL Tear

Complete ACL Tear

A complete ACL tear occurs when the fibres of the ACL have been completely torn; also known as an ACL rupture. This is the most common type of ACL injury. When this occurs, one will experience immediate and significant pain and swelling; along with stiffness and instability of the knee. Complete ACL tears normally require surgery to treat.

ACL Avulsion Fracture

ACL Avulsion Fracture

An avulsion fracture of the ACL occurs when the ACL tears so severely that a piece of bone from where the ligament attaches to the leg, is broken off. This is usually caused by direct trauma during sports or a forceful hyperextension of the knee. There is usually immediate and severe pain at the time of injury, followed by rapid swelling and limited range of motion.

ACL Impingement

ACL Impingement

In an ACL impingement, the ligament finds itself trapped, pinched between other bony and soft tissue structures of the knee. This can result in chronic pain, limited mobility, as well as a grinding or crunching sensation when moving the knee.

ACL injuries must be evaluated in order to prevent the injury and symptoms from worsening.

For a prompt appointment, please call us or drop us a message here.

When to See a Doctor for an ACL Injury

Knowing when to seek medical attention is important; as early detection and intervention can significantly improve the prognosis and shorten the recovery time from an ACL injury.

Know the Warning Signs

Recurring Knee Problems

Preventive Consultation

Read Dr James Tan’s article here on whether an ACL tear will heal on its own.

Do not neglect knee injuries like an ACL tear. Early diagnosis allows for a faster recovery.

Call 8028 4572 or message us here for a prompt appointment.

Get back to doing your favourite sports.

Our goal is to relieve any pain and help you improve your quality of life. For more assistance, please call +65 8028 4572 or leave us a message

Quantum Orthopaedics

Camden Medical

1 Orchard Boulevard, #09-06Singapore 248649

Mount Alvernia Hospital

820 Thomson RoadMedical Centre D #05-60Singapore 574623

Contact Information

Tel : 8028 4572

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Operating Hours

Monday-Friday : 8:30am - 5:30pm

Saturday : 8:30am - 12:30pm

Sunday & Public Holiday : Closed
